Save time as a part-time trainer
Preparing training sessions is essential for the progression of teams and individuals. However, as a part-time trainer there are times when lack of time will play a role. Still, no trainer wants to show up at a training session unprepared. Meet Online Sports Academy; a cloud-based platform with handy tools for trainers. Thanks to our software, every trainer can draw, prepare and schedule exercises and complete training sessions. No time to draw your own exercises? It is also possible to use existing content!
Why is Online Sports Academy (OSA) used a lot by part-time trainers?
From youth to seniors and from the lowest to the highest levels there are trainers and coaches who combine their job with being a trainer. Some put more time into this than others. OSA users have access to all kinds of tools that make it possible to prepare training sessions quickly and in detail. Below we explain these tools.
Use, create, change and apply exercises!
For only ?4 per month you can use the world’s most complete trainer platform including 800+ age-specific soccer forms!
Make use of existing content
To date, the Online Sports Academy features more than 800 soccer drills. Ideal for beginning trainers or trainers with a lack of time. Thanks to our former collaboration with top-professional clubs, age-specific practice material has been developed that is perfect to use to structure any youth soccer training! This training material is displayed in didactic and methodical content including animations and video content. It is also possible to edit the content and thus adjust it to the level of your team. OSA is a platform that is suitable for a wide variety of sports. We are therefore working hard to also offer content for these.
Save even more time with Whatsapp notifications
Easily send entire training sessions via WhatsApp to yourself or fellow trainers. Furthermore, it is extremely useful for trainers who prepare training sessions in advance and want to go over the exercises on the field. Since OSA can also be purchased as a group account, WhatsApp is the ideal way to exchange training sessions and exercises within organizations.
The technique is the effort to save effort.
Build your own database
Also within sports, data is becoming increasingly important. That’s why trainers choose to create their own exercises, draw them and store them in a database. The OSA drawing tool makes it easy for trainers to create visual and professional exercises using a drag & drop technique. This has the great advantage that trainers can profile themselves, save exercises for years and even earn money with them.
Online Sports Academy?